
Mary's Corner

Hello, Everyone!   Welcome to Pagan World! I’m excited to see where this journey takes us! We have a great platform with lots of ways to connect to each other and build our connections as a Pagan Community. Our goal is to make Pagan World the place to be if you want to meet like-minded folks or find Pagan resources.

But to make this sit grow we need your help! Tell your friends about Pagan World and ask them to join. We have 89 active, adventurous Pagans here already. We only need 11 more to make 100. How soon can we get there?

I just started a Group for Volunteers. Anyone can join it. If you are interested in volunteering your time, energy, and skills in the Pagan Community, please join. Let people know what your skills and interests are. As we grow, we will be encouraging people to go there post volunteer opportunities. If you are looking for volunteers, go ahead and post there. We will be posting some volunteer opportunities for Pagan World, too.

I just posted three events I’m planning on going to this year in the Events section. Everyone can post events! Go ahead and post your local festivals and events so we can all see what is going on!

So, to tell you a little about me. I’m a Wiccan priestess of the Correllian Nativist Tradition. I have been Pagan for about 23 years now. I live near Nashville, TN, and I’m one of the co-coordinators for Nashville Pagan Pride Day. I’m honored to be General Manager for this project.

If you have any questions or issues with Pagan World, please let us know. You can message me on this platform or email me at Let us know what you like about the platform, too, and what else you want to see here.

Thanks again for joining us on this adventure!


Rev. Mary Hawk

General Manager

Pagan World

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

Rev. Mary Hawk has been a practicing Pagan for 23 years. She is an ordained Priestess of the Correllian Nativist Tradition. She is a Numerologist and has taught several workshops on the subject. She has been co-coordinator of Nashville Pagan Pride for 10 years. Mary is also involved in Pagan Prison Ministry through the Sanctuary of Light, a ministry of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville.

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Rhiannon's Waxing Season Rite of Creative Inspiration

  • Description:

    Beloved Alchemists,

    The days lengthen and it is time, time, time to awaken, to arise, and to grow!

    Let us align the energies of our own bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits with those of the Earth Mother, turning our very lives into sacred ground, a plot of holy land where our own inner spark of inspiration ignites the fires of our creativity, opening us up to possibility, potential, spaciousness, and expansion.

    🔮 Our Waxing Season Lunar Rites Alchemical Network Distance…

  • Created by: Lady Jesamyn Angelica

This Week in The Women's Mystery School

  • Description:

    Beloved Ones,

    Moon Mama Blessings!

    We are entering the final week of Ostaratide and our Moon Mother will be Full in the sign of Scorpio tomorrow evening, bringing us the High Holyday of Lunar Beltane. Here, we begin to turn gentle attention towards this new High Holyday season. Blessed be!

    Here is a time to honor our Sweet Selves as passionate, sensual people, those who are learning to love ourselves unconditionally. This is the fullness of Spring, a time to open, to rise,…

  • Created by: Lady Jesamyn Angelica

Medusa's Market @ Huntingburg, IN

  • Description:

    Join us at the Huntingburg Event Center on Sunday, May 12th (Mother's Day!) for our one-of-a-kind trade show, that combines both the reptile/exotic animal community and the pagan community!

    You'll find a wide variety of exotic animal breeders, oddities, metaphysical goods, and hand-made products at our show!


    Show is from 11 AM to 5 PM EST.

    Admission is $5 per person at the door. Kids 5 and under are free.

    Tickets can also be…

  • Created by: Medusa’s Market