Lesson 16 of 365:  Why Witches are Feared?

Lesson 16 of 365:  Why Witches are Feared?

This lesson is an opinion /rant by Ed Hubbard. It is not part of any official canon, and represents solely Ed’s thoughts.  

Witches in all forms and names have been seen as a strange, different, and not within the confines of normal humanity. They have been honored, respected, demanded, and feared. The cultures that have them have placed them into positions in authority. Yet when they threaten the power structure be it chieftain or church, they became an enemy, they were exiled and killed. So great is this historic story, that many records show the banning of witches and their practices, under threat. So we know that Witches and their kin have been always on the edge of the tribe, culture, and civilization.

So why it is the Witch is feared?  It comes down to three qualities when one truly embraces the power within.

One is the cunning knowledge gained by curiosity combined with willingness to embrace the dark unknown and the light of awareness. The ability to accept learning, even when it goes outside the culture, even when it appears non-sensical, and terribly beyond the imagination of those around them. Its terrifying to have what you know challenged, to be open to true unknown. This ability to absorb and test thoughts and processes of nature is powerful, changing our perception of our fragile reality.

Two is the ability to tap into energies not ordinarily visible or detectable by ordinary means. This is the realms of spirit, of thought, of realms unknown. They have discovered ways into these realms, by mental exercises, by psychedelics, by spiritual projection and dreams. They can tap into the consciousness of the universe. This is the ability to see the future, the past, the now, and the spirit world.

Three is the understanding of creating change. By being fearless in knowledge and wlling to test the unknown, the Witch can change the reality around them. They know they can test the world, bring the best out when needed. A Witch is subtle in their knowledge, their spells are energy made into potential, and their ability is unexplainable. It’s the fearlessness they have against a dark and unknown world. They are the light when all else fails. They are hope when all other options have to come to an end. So it is the Witch who becomes the icon of true freedom, the pursuit of knowledge and curiosity. That is what others fear.

So as a Witch, you are a being who is an embodiment of magic, of freedom, of curiosity and knowledge. You are a being pursuing the unknown with courage and honor. So as you learn, your part of a history that is secret come to life in this next age. Blessed Be!

Ed the Pagan

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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