Lesson 20: The Power of Bells and Chimes

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Lesson 20: The Power of Bells and Chimes
So sound and vibration are at the core of magic. They have always been important, especially vibration. After all, sound is nothing more than vibrations that impact on our ear drums in a certain way. By controlling vibration and how they interact, we produce a wide range of sounds including music. Yet if vibrations get strong enough, high enough frequency, they can cause real damage, including deafness, even destroying matter itself. Vibration is a powerful force in the cosmos, and one often not understood and recognized.
Historically bells have been used to create a change in environment. Bells are used to break negativity and banish spirits. The sweet sounds offer energy exchange, combined with intention, allows it’s to push back against those forces of the dark negativity. It is this power that many villages and towns have bells rang at certain times, to push evil spirits and purify the regions luck.
Bells can be used to summon spirits, which can be created from an enchanted item. It is used as a sound of attractive energies, a place to be heard. This allows for ancestors, fae, and myriad spirits. All of it is determined by the vibration and frequency created, as it taps into attention and will. So for this, imagine the bell when struck sending out ripples as a stone which hits water. From this, you can discover what is around, by the reaction to the sounds. Remember, humans can use sound, and many have a form of echolocation. This is a forgotten art we have.
Chimes have been kept around to serve as warning and blessing by their movement. They can be used for many purposes, which comes to have three primary functions. First is to create sweet sounds, will monitoring the weather. They are driven by wind, so it’s easy to listen and determine the speed of the wind. The second to act as a warning. Any brush upon them or those objects holding them will create a strong sound. This gives notice to those who are aware of the chimes.
The last thing chimes do is attract good will, luck, and joy. Often used to attract Fae, because they love the sound, when combined with intent, and even offerings. Birds have been discovered to be attracted to chimes as well. So they can draw pleasant moments, drawing forth joy by vibration of emotion.
So this is part of the reason bells and chimes are added to rituals.
Your assignment is to find a bell you like, and a chime to hang. Then record the effects of the chimes over several days.
More to come.
Ed the Pagan
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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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  • Thank you for taking the time to create a lesson a day 🙂 I've been a solitary Witch and a very proud Pagan for a few years now and some of this I know and some I knew and have forgotten, and some is things I havent read before. I am enjoying these lessons as q way to learn new information and to refresh on the things that have escaped my memory (getting older 😅). So thank you again, much appreciated
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