Lesson 28 of 365: Learning Focus

Focusing is the singular most important aspect of magical control. It is the idea of how long can you hold your attention on one thought and one space. The ability to hold one’s attention, be it a studying a subject, running a race, or meditating. In all cases, focus is an act of the will, and will is at the core of our magical power.  So learning to focus is an essential skill.
Meditate – Maintaining focus is very much a state of mind and something that can improve with time. Practicing meditation can help with focus as can other relaxation techniques. Of course, this is something that is going to differ within each of us, but it proves that with practice the mind can be retrained to concentrate better and work in a more productive fashion.

Make a decision (and stick to it) – Choose just one or two things to be the centre of your magic practice at any one time. These can be either new spells, techniques or a mixture of both. The important thing is to stick with your chosen task and resist the urge to move onto something new before you have completely mastered them. Turn the psychology on its head and use it to your advantage. If there is something new and exciting that you are itching to work on, use that as an incentive. Tell yourself that the sooner you get to grips with ‘A’ the quicker you can move on to ‘B’.

Be consistent and practice over and over again as needed. It’s hard at first, but it grows as you continue the work. This is how you build focus.

Assignment: In your Book of Mirrors, decide what you will focus on. Then once a day, hold it for as long as you can. Do this and discover how your focus will improve within seven days.

Ed the Pagan

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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