In this, we are going to share the second piece of the Witches Pyramid, To Dare.  In essence, To Dar is to act, even when fearful or beyond normal expectations.  We call this courage, where we act even when we are afraid. We take an action. In this there is an emotional charge.  So it is this that creates your power. The first kiss, the first spell, the first leap into the unknown, is simply the power to dare.

Magick is an act of courage. It takes a great deal of courage to ask the Universe for what you want/need, and expect to get it! So casting the first spell, after a period of study, is a act of daring, of courage, of purpose. It is always something that requires bravery, a bit of fear, and often more than a small bit of doubt.  Once the spell is cast, held by our focus, may or may not succeed, but we never quite forget the feeling of it. The thrill of the spell, is the emotional fuel, and why to dare is a powerful moment.

Even beyond simple spellcasting, the Witch takes on the role of courage, by daring to speak up and speak out. To studfy and speak truth. Knowledge gives strength and leads the Witch to become the keeper of knowledge, and to be brave enough to use it. It is the power that gives one a edge in life, for if you can dare to work on your knowledge, to accept that you may be unique, and to stand even in your fear and overcome it, then you can be seen as magickal. You will be a beacon onto this world, and change how others see it.  Even if you do it beyond human sight, without witnesses, you will know the strength of it, altering your fate and destiny. To Dare is the strength of your actions over your emotions.

Assignment: In your Book of Mirrors, write down the one thing you would do, Your personal Dare, if you knew you would not fail.

Ed the Pagan

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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