Lesson 39 of 365: The Enhancement of Repetition

In casting large scale magick with multiple participants, the need to synchronized time, shared spell work, and a unified intent develops the most practical actions within the framework of will and attention. A single casting may result if the will and attention is strong enough. For a more effective action in the realms of magick and spiritual consciousness then reinforcement is needed. Repetitive actions can develop the needed energy that strengthens engaging imagination, mental strength, and belief and finally will.

Repetitive action can be formed in many ways. The Correllian Peace Prayer and the Crystal Web Rituals are hosts monthly, with the same prayer, the same times, and have for many years. People feel very moved when they enter into these rituals.  This helps build energy, attention, and will.

Another form is astrological/astronomical positioning. Many rituals are created and then repeated in conjunction of the hours and days that are focused on those energies.  Eclipses, Planetary Alignments, and prominent dates all give a level of energy, usually through excitement, to their sells. Some occurred rarely, even once in a lifetime. Yet when these rituals are remembered and repeated in order to bring forth magick into the world.

So the concept of repetition as an energy builder  and will developer comes from the most ancient of days. So it is true today. For large scale magick that endures is enhanced by practiced repetition.

Assignment: Consider your personal rituals and what are reinforced by repetitive action. Decide if you have spells or other forms of magick that will be useful to repeat.

Ed the Pagan

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Ed 'the Pagan' Hubbard

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